Our Nervous System is an incredible and intricate part of who we are.

It actually has more levels than just our Fight/Flight/Freeze or Rest + Digest. We focus on these two levels because they give us a good place to start. When we better understand the Nervous System, we can learn how to interpret the signals it’s sending us about whether or not a situation is aligned with our safety, security, and morals.

Interested in more in-depth resources? Join the Waitlist below to access our full curriculum.

  • Looking for more? Whether you are a student, an educator, a caregiver, a community member, or a mentor, our full suite of programing can help you dive deeper into learning, exercises, practices, and processing. Purchase your package here.

  • Everyone gets stressed. Mindfulness can help. One of our favorite (and free!) mindfulness tools is the app Insight Timer.