We share our story so that he can have a chance to write his.
we’re in this together.
When I began this project, it was with a group of young men in the Bronx who had experienced a series of traumas in their community. They needed movement; they found community and healing. Over the course of our time together, my understanding of the stressors and adversity we ask young people to navigate in silence grew, and I was inspired to pursue my clinical license as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Thus, The B.R.I.D.G.E. Lab was born out of a need in the community, years of research into childhood adversity, conversations with specialists in the field, and - just like all of us who are called to work with and support young people - a passion to positively change the lives of the younger generations.
We believe that childhood adversity is not a life sentence. Conversations around trauma, oppression, and the darker side of the human experience are never comfortable. Prior to this particular time in history, these conversations were "avoidable". We are living through an incredible cultural shift in mental health, education, advocacy and social justice. Now, we are all being confronted with an important choice: be with the uncomfortable and learn to navigate through it, or continue to deny the painful reality of youth who struggle because of systemic oppression and trauma.
As leaders in our communities, we are charged with the task of ushering change forward. Our work began in 2016 as yoga, mindfulness, and processing. Since then, we have developed an integrative curriculum to not only help communities heal from trauma, but to also create protective factors that reduce the risk of future trauma. We do not have to do all of the work alone. Each of us can be a torchbearer for our particular area of interest and expertise. Together, we have the power to create a world in which trauma and oppression are no longer barriers to success.
You are needed. You are appreciated.
Thank you,
Kristin Calabria