Outcomes matter.

Look, we are not D.A.R.E. We are also not AA. We’re not here to scare you into living a life free of substances. In fact, it is nearly impossible to function in the modern era without interacting with technology or a little - okay, a lot of - caffeine. Regardless, it is important to understand what happens if you engage in substances in an unhealthy way.

Interested in more in-depth resources? Join the Waitlist below to access our full curriculum.

  • Looking for more? Whether you are a student, an educator, a caregiver, a community member, or a mentor, our full suite of programing can help you dive deeper into learning, exercises, practices, and processing. Purchase your package here.

  • Everyone gets stressed. Mindfulness can help. One of our favorite (and free!) mindfulness tools is the app Insight Timer.